Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tx Medicare Plan F

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Medicare Supplement Plans

BCBSTX offers a choice of 6 Medicare Supplement Insurance plans; Plan A,  Plan F, Plan G, Plan N, Plan K, and Plan L.

  • Plan F and Plan G pay the Medicare Part A hospital deductible and co-payment(s), the skilled nursing facility copayment(s) and emergency care for foreign travel.
  • Plans K and L are low-cost, cost-sharing Medicare Supplement Insurance plans that require you to pay a higher percentage of the costs in return for reduced premiums.
  • BCBSTX also offers basic Plan A, the plan with the lowest benefits.
Plans A F, HD-F* G K** L** N
Basic Benefits X X X X X X
Skilled Nursing Coinsurance X X 50% 75% X
Part A Deductible X X 50% 75% X
Part B Deductible X
Part B Excess (100%) X X X
Foreign Travel Emergency X X X
At Home Recovery
Annual Out-of-Pocket Cost $4,640 $2,320 $0

*Plan F also has an option called high deductible Plan F (HD-F). This high deductible plan pays the same benefits as Plan F after one has paid a calendar year $2,490 deductible. Benefits from high deductible Plan F will not begin until out-of-pocket expenses exceed $2,490. Out-of-pocket expenses for this deductible are expenses that would ordinarily be paid by the policy. These expenses include the Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B deductibles, but do not include the plan's separate foreign travel emergency deductible.

**Plans K and L provide for different cost-sharing than plans A-F. Once you reach the annual limit, the plan pays 100% of the Medicare copayments, coinsurance and deductibles for the rest of the calendar year. The out-of-pocket annual limit does NOT include charges from your provider that exceed Medicare-approved amounts, called "excess charges." You will be responsible for paying excess charges.

Medicare-Select Options

Plan F, Plan G, Plan K, Plan L, and Plan N Med-Select options offer you the same benefits as the "standard" plans, but cost less. You save on premiums simply by agreeing to use any of the Med-Select participating hospitals for non-emergency elective admissions. If you do not use one of these hospitals for your non-emergency admissions, you pay the $1,556 Part A deductible. Med-Select is not an HMO. With Med-Select, you are fully covered for emergency care at any hospital, and you can choose your own doctors and specialists. Med-Select is available in specific geographic areas only. You must live within a 30 mile radius of a Medicare-Select participating hospital.

Plan F
Plan F is the most popular Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Medicare Supplement plan. No other standardized Medicare Supplement plan offered in Texas offers more complete protection for your uncovered Part B medical expenses than Plan F.

Plan F covers:

  • Your Part A deductible and coinsurance
  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends
  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood
  • Medicare Part A hospital deductible and copayments
  • Skilled nursing facility copayment
  • Foreign travel emergency care
  • $233 Part B Medicare deductible
  • Part B doctor charges that are in excess of Medicare-approved amounts

There is also a BCBSTX Medicare-Select Plan F that offers the same benefits as Standard Plan F but provides costs savings by agreeing to use a Medicare Select participating hospital for non-emergencies. You may still see any doctor you choose with Medicare-Select plans. If your hospital is part of the Medicare Select network, the Med-Select plan is a good option to consider.

High Deductible F

High Deductible Plan F has the same benefits as Plan F after you pay an annual [HD-F Ded] deductible. The deductible amount represents the annual out-of-pocket expenses (excluding premiums) that you must pay before the policy begins paying benefits. By having a high deductible, your premiums are significantly lower than Standard Plan F. High Deductible Plan F covers:

  • Your Part A deductible and coinsurance
  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood
  • Benefits from High Deductible Plan F will not begin until your out-of-pocket expenses total [HD-F Ded]
  • Out-of-pocket expenses for this deductible are expenses that would ordinarily be paid by the policy.
  • These expenses include the Medicare deductibles for Part A and B.
  • These expenses do not include Plan F's separate foreign travel emergency deductible.
  • Medicare Part A hospital deductible and copayments
  • Skilled nursing facility copayment
  • $233 Part B Medicare deductible (The Part B deductible is included in the HD-F [HD-F Ded] deductible)
  • Part B doctor charges that are in excess of Medicare-approved amounts
  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage

Plan G
Plan G covers:
  • Your $1,556 Part A deductible and coinsurance
  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends
  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood
  • 80% of Part B physician charges that are in excess of the Medicare-approved amount (By law no physician may charge more than 115% of Medicare-approved amounts).
  • Skilled nursing facility copayment
  • Foreign travel emergency care

Plan G does NOT cover:

  • Your $233 Medicare Part B deductible

There is also a BCBSTX Medicare-Select Plan G that offers the same benefits as Standard Plan G but provides costs savings by agreeing to use a Medicare Select participating hospital for non-emergencies. You may still see any doctor you choose with Medicare-Select plans. If your hospital is part of the Medicare Select network, the Med-Select plan is a good option to consider.

Plan N

Online Application

Plan N is identical to Plan G except there is a $20 copay for office visits and a $50 copay for emergency room visits. Like Plan G, Plan N does not cover the Medicare Part B deductible. Plan N covers:

  • Your Part A deductible and coinsurance
  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends
  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood
  • 80% of Part B physician charges that are in excess of the Medicare-approved amount (By law no physician may charge more than 115% of Medicare-approved amounts).
  • Skilled nursing facility copayment
  • Foreign travel emergency care

Plan N does NOT cover:

  • Your $233 Medicare Part B deductible
  • Part B Medical Excess Charges; charges from your provider that exceed Medicare-approved amounts. Only Plan F, High Deductible Plan F, and Plan G cover these charges. For all other plans, you are responsible for paying excess charges. In no case can a provider charge more than 115% of the Medicare approved amount.
Compare Rates


• Texas Resident age 65 and over

• Must have Medicare Parts A & B

• May not duplicate an in-force Medicare Supplement policy

Rating Areas are determined by the first 3 digits of your zip code.

Area 1:754-759; 763-769; 778-792; 795-799; 885

Area 2:750-753; 760-762; 770-777; 793-794

Area 3:out-of-state

Plan Ages Area 1 Area 2 Area 3

Plan A

65-66 $224.00 $240.00 $266.00
67-69 $258.00 $279.00 $306.00
70-74 $304.00 $330.00 $359.00
75-79 $339.00 $365.00 $407.00
80-84 $385.00 $419.00 $458.00
85+ $414.00 $446.00 $492.00

Plan F

65-66 $150.00 $161.00 $178.00
67-69 $170.00 $185.00 $203.00
70-74 $201.00 $217.00 $237.00
75-79 $225.00 $246.00 $269.00
80-84 $255.00 $276.00 $305.00
85+ $276.00 $298.00 $330.00

Plan High Deductible F

65-66 $49.00 $53.00 $58.00
67-69 $56.00 $60.00 $66.00
70-74 $65.00 $71.00 $77.00
75-79 $74.00 $80.00 $89.00
80-84 $82.00 $91.00 $99.00
85+ $90.00 $97.00 $107.00

Plan G

65-66 $137.00 $146.00 $163.00
67-69 $156.00 $168.00 $185.00
70-74 $183.00 $197.00 $217.00
75-79 $204.00 $222.00 $244.00
80-84 $231.00 $250.00 $279.00
85+ $250.00 $272.00 $299.00

Plan K

65-66 $76.00 $82.00 $91.00
67-69 $85.00 $96.00 $103.00
70-74 $102.00 $110.00 $122.00
75-79 $115.00 $126.00 $137.00
80-84 $130.00 $140.00 $155.00
85+ $141.00 $151.00 $168.00

Plan N

65-66 $107.00 $118.00 $130.00
67-69 $126.00 $135.00 $149.00
70-74 $147.00 $159.00 $174.00
75-79 $165.00 $179.00 $197.00
80-84 $186.00 $202.00 $222.00
85+ $201.00 $219.00 $240.00


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