How Many Children Are in the Von Trapp Family

The von Trapp family unit from 'The Sound of Music'.

Like many people, I was just a kid when I showtime saw this classic movie. It's true that it's a sickly-sweet movie – the oldies loved information technology – just nevertheless it had its own charm for kids. It was the idea of Mary Poppins coming to rescue a gaggle of kids from their overbearing father that did it.

Now of class, we know that the story was only very loosely based on the real von Trapp family and one of the interesting differences was that in that location weren't seven children as the movie showed, merely x in total. Maria and the captain had 3 children after their matrimony. Another huge difference is the ages of the children.

You think (of class you practice) the dramatic scene in The Sound Of Music when the family escape from Austria in 1938? Well, in reality the seven performing 'children' were aged between seventeen and twenty seven –  there was not a cute child to exist seen.

As for the other three non-performing children, Rosmarie was nine, Eleonore was seven and Johannes wasn't notwithstanding born. (He arrived in 1939 by which time the family unit was in the United States.) These three did grow up to sing with the family though once it was established in America.

What happened to the von Trapp family unit children?

In gild of ages, starting with the eldest:


The eldest kid was not Liesl as portrayed in the film, neither was that kid 'xvi going on seventeen' at the time the family left Austria. Rupert had been built-in in 1911 and his appetite, which he after achieved, was to become a medico. Rupert married twice, had six children and lived in the States until he died at the age of lxxx.


The oldest daughter had been born in 1913. It was she who Maria was get-go employed to teach. She sang with the family unit until their last performance, when Agathe was twoscore 3 (once again dispelling the 'kids' thought!) When she retired from singing she started a kindergarten and was fifty-fifty more long lived than her brother – she died in the U.s.a. at the age of ninety vii.


Maria was born eighteen months later on her older sister. She was portrayed every bit 'Louisa' in the film. She too sang for many years and afterward in life worked as a missionary. Like Agathe and Rupert she lived to a grand sometime age too – she was almost one hundred years old when she died in 2014.


The first wife of Georg von Trapp certainly kept the babies coming equally their next son, Werner, was born less than fourteen months after the nascence of his sister Maria. In the states, he joined the Armed Forces during the 2d World War after which he became a dairy farmer. He married and had six children. He was yet another long-lived von Trapp – he died aged ninety 1.


Hedwig was born in 1917 and she sang with the family until Captain von Trapp died in 1947 and the act was disbanded. She then became a teacher. Sadly she did not follow her siblings into sometime age – she was but fifty five when she died, the cause of expiry being recorded as asthma. She didn't marry and had no children.


Johanna became the newest fellow member of the family in 1919. Different her older sisters she married – her hubby was Ernst Florian Winter, an Austrian historian. They made their dwelling house in Vienna and had seven children. She loved painting and other artistic pursuits and ran an organic homestead. She was seventy v when she died of a stroke.


Martina was the youngest of the seven children that the captain has with his commencement wife. And she was the get-go to leave, dying giving birth to a still born child when she had simply turned thirty years old. The rest of the family unit were on bout singing at the time.

In The Audio of Music, we are given the impression that the von Trapp family left Austria shortly after the helm and Maria had married. In fact, the couple married in 1927, more ten years before they left the country. By this time – and they left openly by train not in the cloak-and-dagger way shown in the film – they couple had two children and a 3rd was built-in when they had arrived in America. They were:


She was born in either 1928 or 1929 (accounts vary). Had she been born in 1928 though, there was no evidence of her mother's pregnancy on the wedding photographs and Maria would have been within only a couple of months of giving nascence had the 1928 appointment been correct.  Rosmarie was a missionary and left no children.


She was born three years after her sister. However, she did marry (in 1954) and had vii children, all daughters.


The family unit had moved to united states by the time Johannes was born in 1939. (He was the only i of the siblings who didn't accept to apply for citizenship). He married, had a son and girl and ran the von Trapp family unit resort in Vermont.

At fourth dimension of writing, Maria'southward 3 children – Rosmarie, Eleonore and Johannes are still living.


Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British built-in and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, pattern and quirky stories. You can meet a wide range of manufactures hither, or visit her website Tastes Mag . Run across The Author's Door for more information.


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